on the staff of 《be ~》~のスタッフ[メンバー?職員]である、入社{にゅうしゃ}している、~の幹部の一員である、~に奉職している、~に勤務している He is on the staff of our company. 彼は我が社の社員です。
staff 1staff n. 職員, 部員, スタッフ. 【動詞+】 augment the staff by the appointment of… …の任命によって増員を行なう cut down the staff 人員を削減する Lloyds Bank has doubled its staff of women managers. ロイズ銀行は女性支店長
he was an army general and the chief of the general staff . 陸軍大将・参謀総長。
you're directed by the german general staff ! お前達は恥知らすのクズだ 国を売ったクズだ
he fulfilled his duties at the general staff office during the russo-japanese war . 日露戦争では、参謀本部勤務。
he assumed a general staff under government forces in leap april and served in aizu war . 閏4月には政府軍下参謀に就任、会津戦争に従軍する。
after that , he worked for the general staff main office , he became a brigade officer in the cavalry division . 参謀本部に勤務の後、騎兵旅団長。
ito was appointed to a higher rank position of general staff than sannan and received special treatment . 伊東は山南よりも上位の参謀職に付き格別の待遇をうける。
shigetaro shimada ministry of navy also served as an additional post of the president of the naval general staff . また、嶋田繁太郎海相も軍令部総長を兼任した。
in the seinan war in 1887 , he fought as the independent first corps general staff; however he was injured at the war . 1887年の西南戦争では別働第1旅団参謀として参戦するが、この時負傷する。
later on , the opposing argument involved the naval general staff and right-wing groups which were dissatisfied with the treaty . やがて、こうした反対論は同条約に不満を持っていた海軍軍令部や右翼団体を巻き込むことになる。